• Offering a wide range of coating options to suit all your flooring needs. Our decorative concrete solutions are both stylish and durable, ensuring long-lasting beauty and protection for your concrete floor. Unlimited colour blends of vinyl flakes, solid colours and metallics are available.

  • Specializing in protective epoxy and polyaspartic coatings for commercial and industrial spaces. Our coatings are designed to withstand heavy foot traffic, machinery and chemicals. Providing a reliable and long-lasting solution for your flooring requirements.

  • Offering versatile flooring options for both residential and commercial spaces. Our flooring solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of each setting, providing a perfect balance of functionality and aesthetic appeal.


Discover more about our epoxy flooring business

Our epoxy flooring solutions cater to a wide range of needs, whether it's for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. Transform your concrete floors with our decorative and protective options. Based in Stoney creek Ontario, we are dedicated to providing top-quality services. Servicing Halton, Hamilton and Niagara regions.

🔷Epoxy & polyaspartic flooring offers a sleek and modern aesthetic that immediately elevates the visual appeal of your home.

🔷Its resistance to impacts, abrasions, and chemicals means that your flooring investment will stand the test of time.

🔷The seamless application of epoxy creates a smooth and even surface.

🔷A clean and well-maintained appearance contributes positively to the home’s value.

🔷Homes with upgraded and visually appealing features tend to attract more attention in the real estate market.

🔷These improvements can positively influence the appraised value, providing a return on your investment.

Explore our range of decorative and protective concrete floor coatings

Contact us

Discover the perfect concrete flooring solution specific to your needs by speaking with a knowledgeable representative today. We are a family operated business which understands the importance of communication between customer and contractor. Our team consists 3 members.
Dan Scattolon Sr, Daniel Scattolon Jr and Connor Roy.